Intro to Silverpoint Workshop

Intro to Silverpoint Workshop

Learn the basics of silverpoint drawing in this one-day workshop! Students will be introduced to the history of this rare and beautiful drawing medium, craft their own silverpoint stylus, and experiment with a variety of drawing techniques on different surfaces. Participants will walk away with the tools and information they need to continue their exploration of silverpoint, as well as other metalpoint techniques such as goldpoint.

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Introduction to Drawing
to Oct 30

Introduction to Drawing

Learn the basics of how to draw realistically! This course will introduce students to basic drawing materials and techniques for drawing convincingly from life, i.e. the direct observation of mostly 3D subjects.

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Printmaking with Botanicals (2 Sections)
to Nov 6

Printmaking with Botanicals (2 Sections)

This class will introduce the monoprint printmaking technique to make stunning prints from plants, using natural pigments . You will learn multiple techniques in monoprinting, and receive guidance in principles of composition and color. Experimentation will be encouraged! No experience necessary.

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Chalk Gessoing Panels for Oil + Tempera Painting

Chalk Gessoing Panels for Oil + Tempera Painting

Learn to prepare your panels like old master painters. Traditional chalk gesso is ideal for egg tempera, oil, water gilding, and any form of water based media. This two-day workshop will include the step-by-step process of using animal glue binder (rabbit skin glue), chalk, and white pigment, to create a smooth ivory surface on a wood panel for your next painting.

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